Tuesday, 6 November 2018


Your day should be savored, not gulped down. 
Look at each day like a wonderful fountain.  Take a deep drink from the sweet waters of the present. You see, today is really the only place you will ever exist.  When you get to your future, you will rename it... TODAY
yesterday is in the tomb.. 
Tomorrow is in the womb.. 
But your life is today..
If you do not know how to enjoy toady, you probably will not enjoy many days in your future
Note this: Happiness is a now place. It is not a future destination, therefore savour this moment because the future is guaranteed. 
Raise your present turf to its highest level of excellence today, do it with all your might.. 
Insist that every moment must be a moment of excellence. .
Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, converse at the highest level ,exercise accurately, plan thoroughly but not hurriedly.. 

My life is quite scheduled, firstly am conscious that I am not alone,  the Holy Spirit is always there, He is my focus, my joy, my peace and my life.. 
Millions attempt to fill their lives with activities, new things, new friends, new appointments and the rest, but I refuse to race through life.. 
I will walk through the Garden of life.. 
I will smell the roses of His presence.. 
I will drink form the fountain of peace..
Yet sometimes deadline may require me to double up to complete a major goal, but I will walk, not race through life because I want to make the most of my present which is TODAY!!!


  1. I'm touched by this. Thanks to my friend Mfoniso Udoh who shared me the link. I promise to share to every contact that I have.

  2. Thanks Dalda, for dropping a feedback.
    Am glad you got value..

  3. Well said. I’m trying to be more in the present instead of the past

  4. Yeah, the present has more more promises to hold onto, as compare to the past..

  5. Lovely post. This hit me hard. 'Your day should be savored, not gulped down.'

    Thanks. Lovely post.
